Looking for comprehensive driver training in logbooks? Check out Driver Training in Logbooks by Logbook Solution LLC.
Looking for comprehensive driver training in logbooks? Check out Driver Training in Logbooks by Logbook Solution LLC.
Looking for comprehensive driver training in logbooks? Check out Driver Training in Logbooks by Logbook Solution LLC.


Solving Compliance Issues and Enhancing Efficiency for Camacho Logistics Corp

Partners Logbook Solution LLC


Camacho Logistics Corp
is a medium-sized trucking business based in the USA,operating a fleet of 60 trucks.

The company faced challenges with compliance andefficient management of electronic logging devices (ELDs), leading to potentialpenalties and increased operational costs.

They sought a reliable ELD logbook supportservice to address these issues and ensure smooth operations while maintainingcompliance with the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations.